Dictionary of Dreams
490 Arietica 19 Arm 1 9 Armistice 20 Armlet 20 Armor 20 Armor maker 20 Armpit 20 Army 20 Army general 20 Army's flag 20 Arrange 20 Arrival 20 Arrogance 20 Arrowhead 20 Artery 2 1 Artificial lake 2 1 Artist 2 1 Arts 2 1 Ascending i n the skies 21 Ascent 21 Ascertain 22 Ascetic Detachment 22 Asceticism 22 'Amura 22 Askance 22 Asphyxia 22 Asr 22 Ass 22 Assassin 22 Assassination 22 Assault 22 Assert 22 Assets 22 Assistant 23 Assistant judge 23 Assistant magistrate 23 Associate 23 Asthma 23 Astral 23 Astray 23 Astringent 23 Astrolabe 23 Astrologer 23 Astrology 23 Astronomer 23 Astronomy 23 Astute 23 Atheism 23 Atonement 23 Attack 23 Attainment 23 Attar 23 Attic window 23 Attire 24 Attracting attention 24 Attrition 24 Auctioneer 24 Auditorium 24 Auditory meatus 24 Auger 24 August 24 Auriga 24 Austerity 24 Author 24 Automobile 24 Awakening 24 B Baby crow 25 Back 25 Back pain 25 Backbiting 26 Backbone 26 Backgammon 26 Backside 26 Bactrian camel 26 Bad look 26 Bag 26 Bagpipe 26 Bairam 27 Baked bricks 26 Baker 27 Baklava 27 Balance 27 Balancer 27 Balcony 27 Baldheadedness 27 Balding 28 Baldness 28 Ball 28 Ball of thread 28 Ballista 28 Balloon 28 Banal 28 Banana 28 Band 28 Bangle 28 Banishment 28 Banjo 28 Bank draft 29 Banknote 29 Bankruptcy 29 Banner 29 Banquet 29 Bar 30 Barber 30 Barefoot 30 Barkeeper 30 Barking 30 Barking of a jackal 30 Barley 30 Barman 30 INDEX TO ENTRIES Barn 30 Bartender 30 Base 30 Baseball 31 Bashfulness 31 Basin 31 Basket 31 Basket weaver 31 Basketball 31 Basmalah 31 Bat 31 Bath 31 Bathhouse 32 Bathroom 32 Battering ram 32 Battlefield 32 Battlement 32 Bay 32 Bay-color 32 Beacon 32 Beads 32 Beads salesman 32 Beak 32 Beam 33 Beans 33 Bear 33 Bear trainer 33 Beard 33 Beast 34 Beating 34 Beautician 35 Beautify 35 Beauty 35 Beauty mark 35 Beaver 35 Bed 35 Bed cover 35 Bedchamber 36 Bedmate 36 Bedroom 36 Beehive 36 Beekeeper 36 Beer 36 Bees 36 Beetle 36 Beggar 37 Begging 37 Behavior 37 Beheading 37 Behind 37 Belching 37 Belittlement 37 Bell 37 Belligerence 37 Bellows 37 Belt 38 Bench 38 Bend 38 Benediction 38 Benevolence 38 Bequeath 38 Bequest 38 Bereavement of one's child 38 Berries 38 Besiege 38 Besmear 38 Bethlehem 38 Betrayal 38 Betrothal 38 Betting 38 Beverages 38 Bewitch 39 Bias 39 Bible 39 Bicuspids 39 Bigfoot 39 Bill 39 Bill of exchange 39 Billy goat 39 Binoculars 39 Bird 39 Bird's nest 39 Birds' salesman 40 Birth 40 Birth control 40 Birthmark 40 Bishop 40 Bitch 40 Bite 40 Bite off 40 Biting on one's tongue 40 Bitter almond 40 Bitter fruits 40 Blabber 40 Black 41 Black hair 40 Black magic 41 Black mud 41 Black pepper 41 Black Stone 41 Blackbird 41 Blackboard 41 Blackout 41 Blacksmith 41 Blade 41 Blame 41 Blanket 41 Bleacher 42 Blear-eyed 42 Bleed 42 Bleeding 42 Bleeding nose 42 Blessed Tree 42 Blessings 42 Blind in one eye 42 Blindness 42 Blintz 43 Blister beetle 43